Well, I wasn't planning on writing a blog entry today, but well, here I am sitting here with a pot of Pu Ehr tea and I thought, you know, I *do* have something I'm particularly interested in just at the moment, simple as it is, and that is the Moroccan side table.
These little tables from Garnet Hill and Altas Imports that I have pictured above are ubiquitous here. They are outside every furniture or interiors shop in the Medina, priced at anything from 10 to 50 or so euros from the more optimistic shopkeepers, or presumably more for the very fancy ones (which are less appealing anyway, to my mind). They are in the houses of Moroccan families, they are in riad guesthouses and restaurants of all levels and they are in luxury hotels. Even our ultra-modern house has them (in salmon pink!). And you know what? I'm going to be bringing as many back to Europe with me as I can carry. They are so simple but undeniably exotic and can be eased into almost any setting, I think. I plan to get the plain ones, maybe four of them, and paint them to blend/contrast with the rooms which eventually become their homes in England.
Hello, wonderful blog you have here. It must be my lucky day, I love anything Morocco, and I just saw your site on A Fanciful Twist. I also read through and see you are friends with Maryam, one of my favourite bloggers.
It must be a transition, Dublin to Marrakech, but you are incredibly optimistic about it, and trying to see the good in it all. I for one am jealous jealous jealous! Lucky you, that your husband and you are seeing so much of this wide beautiful world. I love your writing too, I will be back.
Oh sorry! The tables...
Yes, they are brilliant. I adore small tables. They fit anywhere, add interest, colour and are usually affordable. A great way to spruce up a room. I loved the multicoloured one.
BTW, will be viewing the Painted Veil tonight, haven't seen it yet. Will look for the parasol!
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