Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Orange trees and gommage

John and I are still sweltering in Marrakech but now we have a house! It is odd and modern but in the Marra equivalent of Merrion Square and built right up against the walls of the royal palace HOWEVER it is not available until the 1st of July so the owner of the house has put us for the time being in the house next door; which he also owns and oh my - it's the most amazing house in the world! It is a truly traditional riad, complete with fountain and - my loves - orange trees! It is vacant at the moment except for a housekeeper granny so we are going to ring our new landlord tomorrow and ask if he would let us live there instead. I shudder to think what the rent will be, but we'll see what he says... if nothing is doing, we have the other house at least. The granny doesn't speak any English so if we get to keep her we will be chattering away in French in no time - she doesn't really believe it to be possible that we don't speak French so she still chats away to us in French, although I can understand enough to follow the conversation.

I went to a spa today called Les Bains de Marrakech and had a gommage and massage - the gommage, or traditional Morrocan exfoliation, was one of the best things ever to happen to me! Vigorous doesn't come close and I had this wonderful granny doing it (they're a feature here) and I swear I haven't been this clean in years - she even washed behind my ears!

I apologise for the continuing lack of pictures but I will endeavour to rectify this tomorrow.

1 comment:

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Oh yes, Les Bains is wonderful. But there are other very fabulous hammams too:-)