Monday, October 29, 2007

Time is ticking...

Oh readers, I know that on my second-last day in Marrakech I should be a) doing something worthwhile and b) posting about it, but really I am too excited/anxious about Paris to think about Marrakechness or to bestow any uniquely insightful pearls of Moroccan wisdom upon you today.

I am excited for all the obvious reasons (including the new Paris blog). I am anxious because there are many little things that need to be done before we leave - indeed I need to do most of them right now. I need to ring DHL, email my new landlord, email the old tenant (again - why didn't she reply the first time?), go on the French IKEA website and order a bed, wonder how to arrange telephone/internet in Paris in the quickest possible manner and find out if did or did not cancel my husband's flight from London to Paris next Wednesday and if they *did*, rebook it (although not, this time, with ebookers).

In the meantime, our house is full of workmen as our landlord tries to fix all the little problems before he leaves for his exotic life abroad again, so we have scuttled off to our usual hideout. I leave you with a picture of Bab Fteuh, which takes you from Place Bab Fteuh, which is just off the Djemma el Fna, to Rue Mouassine and our little world.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move - how will we know how to get to the new Paris blog???

Sarah said...

I have bought a doman name and am setting the blog up as we speak, and will post the domain next Monday, I think, by which time it should be up and running!

The new blog will be more focussed than this one and many concentrate on style rather than the more general lifestyle thing I have had with this blog. I hope you like it!

P said...

Ah...I am wistful reading your post. Marrakech...Paris...does life get any better than that?!

Anonymous said...

Since Paris and marrakech are my two favourite places in the world, I'm sure I'll appreciate it!
Since you're in Mouassine, have a last tea on me (well, virtually) at Dar Cherifa!!
Bon voyage

Soup. Children. Things. said...

for the phone/internet: hop into a France Telecom shop as soon as you can, have them set up a regular landline line (it will be very quick if you have the former line holder's name)and ask for a LiveBox for ADSL & free phone (it's around €30 a month) and a few additional euros will buy you free unlimited phone to Europe/US option - this will take 1-2 weeks to work.